Outlined below is the course of study for the EarthPath system. The links take you to the actual course material. The material is designed as a set of guidelines, with exercises to enhance learning. Simply reading the material is not sufficient for the student to learn Earth-centered spirituality. It is the exercises, completed in their entirety, which help the student attain the experiences for spiritual growth. Each student learns at his/her own pace, though many exercises require a specific time duration. This is covered in the course material.

Please review the materials before making the decision to continue with training. It is a commitment of time, effort, and the heart. However, should the student decide at any time to follow a path other than EarthPath, s/he is welcome to discontinue the training with our blessings and our wishes for his/er continued well-being. No one is is required to complete training once started, however, completion of the course-work will be well worth the effort.

There are no fees involved in mentorship training. Because this is an online, long distance effort, there are no expenses for printing, shipping, etc. However, the mentors dedicate their time and effort to assisting the students and it behooves the student to respect this effort which is offered to the student over and above the mentor's mundane responsibilities. All mentorship materials except textbooks are provided on this site. The student is responsible for obtaining any textbooks.

Course materials and reading recommendations are still being developed

and will be added to the site as they are completed.

Pagan Philosophy and the EarthPath System of Advancement

•Overview of Earth- centered and magickal traditions

•Vision of Deity

•Vision of Self

•Shamanic/Wiccan Blend

•Teaching System: Mentor/Student

•Steps of Progression

•Seeker (S)


            •    Apprentice Voyager

•Journeyman Voyager

•Master Voyager


•Minister (status attained at completion of training - need not be officially ordained)

•Recommended Reading:

•To Ride a Silver Broomstick, Silver Ravenwolf

•Paganism: Introduction to Earth-Centered Spirituality, Joyce and River Higginboth

•Shamanism as a Spiritual Practice for Daily Life, Tom Cowan

•Illusions, Richard Bach

•A Brief History of Time, Stephen Hawkins


•Journal memorable passages from the reading material and what they have taught you.

•Put into words what your personal relationship is with Deity.

•How do you fit in?

•Journal these ideas. Discuss them with someone close to you.

•Set up "agree/not agree" columns with values applied to philosophies.

•Set up value judgement system for each philosophy.

•Determine whether or not the system resonates with you.

•Examine the requirements of each level of training as described below.

•Are you comfortable with descriptions and definitions?

•Are you willing to commit to the training requirements?

•After reviewing introductory materials and performing exercises described above, compare EarthPath philosophy with your own. Decide whether you wish to learn more.

•Decide whether or not you wish to learn more.

•If yes, apply for mentor by sending a 300 page paper describing your spiritual history, your spiritual goals, why you wish to study the EarthPaty Tradition to WindRider t “windrider AT earthpath DOT com.”

•If no, seek out other training system.



•Building a Metaphysical Perspective

•Esbats and Sabbats

•Bringing Spirituality into Daily Life

•Solitary Practice vs. Group Practice

•Reading and Discussion


•To Stir a Magick Caludron, Silver Ravenwolf

•Wicca: A Guide to the Solitary Practitioner, Scott Cunningham

•Pagan Spirituality, Joyce and River Higginbotham


•One River, Many Wells, Matthew Fox

•Solitary Witch, Silver Ravenwolf

•To Light a Sacred Flame, Silver Ravenwolf

•Ancient Ways, Dan and Pauline Campanell

•Teachings Around the Sacared Wheel, Lynn Andrews


•Meditate on your own metaphysical system. As it develops, write your findings in your journal.

•Choose one method per month (at the new moon) to bring spirituality into your daily life.

•Discuss what you learn with your mentor.

•Write a paper describing the purpose of each of the Sabbats and Esbats.

•Write a personal myth of 350 - 2000 words, based upon the 18 modern mythologies in One River, Many Wells.

•Write a 350 - 500 word paper describing your spiritual philosophy and your relation to/with Deity.


•What Energy Is

•Chakras and Auras

•Crystal and Stone Energies

•Reading and Discussion


•Earth Power: Techniques of Natural Magic, Scott Cunningham, et al.

•Power Within the Land, R.J. Stewart


•Hands of Light, Barbara nan

•Wheels of Light, Rosalyn L. Bruyere

•Love is in the Earth: A Kaleidoscope of Crystals, A. Melody


•The 'Four Basics' Meditations





•Feeling Energy

•"I am all that I see."

•Manipulating Energy

•Shaping and Projecting



•Mentor's Exercise


•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words your ability to perceive, understand and deal with energies around you and the energy of your chakras. Retain this paper and, as you develop your abilities, reread the paper to see how you progress in your abilities.


•What Wicca Is

•The Wiccan Rede

•Rule of Three

•The God/dess in Everyone

•Wiccan Perception of Sacred Space

•Basic Ritual Structure

           •Altar Setup

           •Basic Ritual Outline

•Reading and Discussion

•Drawing Down the Moon, Silver RavenWolf

•The Spiral Dance, Starhawk


•Write a paper on your thoughts about the Wiccan Rede and the Rule of Three

•For one week, consciously recognize the God/dess in each person you see. Write down your impressions and any change of attitude you experience.

•What is sacred space for you? How would you create it?

•Write a simple ritual from the outline.

•Discuss any questions or special experiences with your mentor.

Pagan Society

•Attend at least three organized festivals or major social gatherings (other than coffee at the local "pub").

•Attend at least three meetings of a community group.

•Journal your experiences and discuss with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words regarding your personal stand on sexuality and nudity.

•Reading and Discussion


•A Community of Witches: Contemporary Neo-Paganism and Witchcraft in the United States, Helen A. Berger

•People of the Earth: The New Pagans Speak Out, Ellen Evert Hopman and Lawrence Bond


•Secrets of a Witch's Coven, Morwyn; Chapter 1: A Concice History of Witchcraft and Magic

•Spiral Dance, Starhawk; chapters 1, Witchcraft as Goddess Religion and 2, The World View of Witchcraft

Making Connections

•Connecting with Nature and the Environment

•Connecting with the Elements

•Creating a Personal Sanctuary

•Building an Astral Temple

•Guides, Totems and Messengers

•Connecting with the Ancients

•Connecting with Deity

•Recommended Reading

•One, Richard Bach

•Visual Magick, a Manual of Freestyle Shamanism, Jan Fries

•Earth, Air, Fire & Water, Scott Cunningham

•Earth Prayers from Around the World, edited by Elizabeth Roberts and Elias Amidon

•Animals of the Soul, Joseph Epes Brown


•Elemental meditations ­ one moon cycle for each.

•Become "personal" with your current environment.

•Develop a personal sanctuary.

•Build an astral temple.

•In your astral temple, meditate on your Guides, the Ancient Ones and Deity.

•Write your experiences in your journal and discuss with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 1400 words describing one experience you have had making connections. This can be the result of meditation, dreamtime experience or conscious efforts to connect with your environment.


   •    Types of Tools

•    The Use of Tools

•    Care of Tools

•    Finding vs. Making

•    Reading and Discussion

•Spell Crafts, Cunningham

•To Ride a Silver Broomstick, chapter 10 Stocking Your Magickal Cabinet, Silver Ravenwolf

•Lecture and Discussion:

•The Necessity of Tools, WindRider


•Decide what tools are right for your own spiritual and magickal practice.

•Gather tools:

•From items you already have,

•Purchase some,

•Make at least one.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words defending your position on the use and/or making of tools.

Ritual and Ritual Structure

•Ritual Evolution

•Writing a Ritual

•Ritual Structure



  •Ritual timing

  •Ritual purpose

  •Types of Ritual

•Daily Ritual

•Rites of Passage


•Magickal work

•Performing a Ritual

•Reading and Discussion



•Plan, write and execute at least three private rituals for different purposes.

•Write a paper of at least 350 words explaining what tools you use in ritual, why, and how they work for you.

•Execute at least one spontaneous ritual in which you use no man-made tools.

•Journal your experiences and discuss with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words on your personal ritual method(s). Express whether or not you wish use written scripts and/or readings. Explain your decisions. Retain this paper and compare your method(s) as you gain in experience.


•Tarot and other Card Systems

•Candle Gazing




•The Pendulum

•Dreams and Dreamtime

•Shamanic Journeying

•Developing a Personal Divination System

•Reading and Discussion

•**Book(s) on Taro

•The Rune Mysteries, Nigel Jackson and Silver RavenWolf

•Two books or material of choice on chosen form of divination.


•Choose one method of divination that resonates to you and work with it for one full sun cycle.

•Journal your experiences and discuss with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words describing your divination of choice. This can be either your primary method of divination or one which you will not use. Explain why you have made this choice.


•Ethics of Magick

•Basics of Magick

•Magick, the Dark Side

•Everyday Magick

•Personal Magick






•Personal Path, Discovering One's Own Resonance

•Reading and Discussion

•True Magick, Amber K

•Hexcraft, Silver Ravenwolf

•Two books of choice on areas of specialization


•Discover your own personal magick and why it works for you.

•Choose a primary and secondary area of study (this may change as you progress) to work on throughout your training.

•Notice how you use magick every day.

•Journal your experiences and discuss with your mentor

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words on your personal ethics on the use of magick.


•The Wicca Connection

•The North American Native Connection



•Listening to the Other People


•Reading and Discussion


•Witchcraft & Shamanism: Witchcraft Today Book Three, Chas S. Clifton

•Singing the Soul Back Home, Caitlin Matthews

•The Way of the Shaman, Michael Harner


•Dancing with the Wheel, Sun Bear

•Dreamtime & Innerspace, Kalweit


•Purchase a Journey Drumming tape and make journeys to find your totems and Guides.

•Keep a journal for a full sun cycle noting your environment and what the Other People tell you.

•Go to a nature reserve on a regular basis, meditate, make connections with the Other People, whisper to them.

•Journal you experiences and discuss with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words on the pros and cons of blending Wicca with Shamanism.


•Ethics of Healing

•Healing Circles

•Shamanic Healing


•Crystal Balancing

•Light Energy




•Reading and Discussion

•Hands of Light, Brennan

•Reiki, the Ultimate Guide, Steve Murray

•Essential Reiki, Diane Stein

•Inner Reiki, Tanmaya Honervogt

•Laying on of Stones, Melody

•Spirit Healing, Atwood


•Attend Healing Circles

•Devise personal healing ritual to be performed regularly

•Develop a personal healing system

•Go on healing journeys

•Record results in journal and discuss with mentor.

•Write a paper of 1000 - 2000 words on the ethics of healing.

•Write a paper of 1000 - 2000 words on your healing system, how it works and the results you have had.

World Religions

•Concepts of Deity

•Main Stream Religions


•Native American


•Reading and Discussion

•The Religions of Man, Huston Smith

•People of the Earth, the New Pagans Speak Out

•Walking in the Sacred Manner, Mark St. Pierre and Tilda Long Soldier

•The Medicine Way, Kenneth Meadows


•Attend rituals/meetings of at least three traditions new to you and journal your experience.

•Journal your experiences and lessons from your previous spiritual tradition.

•Discuss your experiences and lessons with your mentor.

•Write a paper of 350 - 2000 words comparing mainstream concepts of Deity to Pagan concepts of Deity. Show similarities and differentiations.

Priest / Priestess, Obligations and Responsibilities


•Rites of Passage


•Age of Reasoning (8 - 10 years of age)

•Coming of Age (12 - 13 years of age)

•Adulthood (21 years of age)


•Legal Marriages

•Croning/Saging (age varies with individual)

•Crossing Over

•Pastoral Counseling

•Defining Pagan Pastoral Counseling

•Ethics in Counseling

•Areas of Counseling






•Reading and Discussion

•Rites of Passage, The Pagan Wheel of Life, Pauline Campanelli

•Issues and Ethics in the Helping Professions (current edition), Corey, Corey and Callanan

•Pastoral Care Emergencies, David K. Switzer

•All Our Losses/All Our Grief, Mitchell & Anderson

•The Helper's Journey, Larson

•The Pagan Book of Living an Dying, Starhawk, M. Macha Nightmare and The Reclaiming Collective


•Accompany a Pagan leader/minister to at least three ministerial/counseling sessions.

•With another leader/minister in attendance, council/minister to at least three individuals/groups,.

•Accompany a leader/minister in a session counseling non-Pagans.

•Journal your experiences and discuss them with your mentor.

•Write a personal Code of Ethics.

•Write a paper of 1000 - 2000 words reflecting on an aspect of Pagan pastoral counseling.

Working With Groups

•Organizing a Group

•Setting membership parameters

•Registering as a Church

•Ozark Avalon tax-exempt statues - a case study

•Registering as a 501(c)3 not-for-profit organization

•Group Finances

•Group Journal

•Group Dynamics

•Group astral temple

•Participating in Community Organizations

•Creating and Leading Ritual

•Helping Group Members to Grow and Participate

•Organizing an Event

•Reading and Discussion

•Covencraft, Amber K

Groups in Context, Gerald Wilson


•Join at lease one Pagan community organization.

•Form a group for a specific purpose. This may be spiritual, educational, drumming, etc.

•Plan, write and execute at least three public/group rituals. You should lead one of these and teach group member(s) to lead the others.

•Plan, write and lead a public ritual.

•Plan and lead a Sabbath event.

•Organize two events, one for the Pagan community and an open event.

•Write a paper of 1000 - 2000 words exploring the dynamics of running a group and handling conflict situations.

Public Outreach Education

•Leading Public Ritual

•Speaking Engagements

•Workshops and Seminars

•Courses, Non-Formal Education

•Courses, Formal Education


•Plan and write a training regimen for a student. Discuss your plan with your mentor.

•If possible, choose a student to mentor and use your training regimen.

•Plan, write and lead a public ritual.

•Write and execute at least three workshop lessons.

•Outline a syllabus to be used in a non-formal course (workshop style) lasting at least six weeks.

•Outline a syllabus to be used in a formal 13 week course (classroom style). Conduct that course with the supervision of your mentor.

Communications and Public Relations

•Presentations and Speeches

•Brochures, Pamphlets, Flyers, Papers, Articles

•Meeting the Media

•Reading and Discussion



•Write a presentation/speech and present it to a group.

•Develop a plan for media contact at a public event.

•Write at least two articles or brochures on Paganism for publication.

•Create media materials for a public event (flyers, news releases, press kit, etc.)


•Write a treatis of at least 21 pages concerning Pagan ministry, how it applies to Pagan society, the necessity or non-necissity of formal or informal education, etc. Discuss your topic with your mentor for approval and direction.

Page updated 04/17/2006

EarthPath: Building a Web of Alternative Spirituality

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